This is the website for the participants of the transatlantic troop that will be attending both the Norwegian and US national Scout jamborees in July 2017.

        Jan Helge Bøhn            Are Ingulfsvann

        Advisor, Crew 158        Scoutmaster, 1. Bodø

Transatlantic Troop

Weather forecast:  [Bodø]  [Summit]

Video:  1964 Jamboree at Bodø (Holmenkollen Film Team)

BSA Venturing Youth Protection:

  1. -Video (MV4)

  2. -Facilitator’s guide (PDF)

2017 NSF jamboree: [English] [Norsk]

2017 BSA jamboree: [English] [video]

   Foxtrot sub-camp [website]

Our Facebook group:

Interesting fact:

It is not known when 1. Bodø was founded, but the earliest reference to this troop name is dated March 19, 1912.  Using this date makes 1. Bodø the 19th Scout troop in Norway and the oldest in northern Norway.  A newspaper article dated April 23, 1910 refers to a Scout organization in Bodø, which would make it the 2nd oldest troop in Norway.  To put this in context, Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was founded on February 8, 1910, and Norsk Speidergut-Forbund (NSF) was established March 25, 1911.